
How Porn Twists Teens’ Brains

Should kids have access to pornography? Absolutely not. Teenagers are curious, though. There’s no magic age when you have a sexual epiphany. No one suddenly has all of the answers when they turn 18. There’s a serious void and only the Internet to fill it. It’s a problem that needs addressing. But first it has [...]

Living With Schizophrenia

Schizophrenia is a serious mental illness characterised by disturbances in a person’s thoughts, perceptions, emotions and behaviour. The illness affects around 26 million people across the world. Despite being a treatable disorder, more than 50% of people with schizophrenia cannot access adequate treatment, and 90% of people with untreated schizophrenia live in the developing world. [...]

Talking To Your Kids To Keep Them Drug Free

While drugs can take their toll on both physical and mental health for young and old, teenagers are particularly vulnerable to the effects that these addictive substances have on their developing brain. As a result, this may lead to long-term problems for their mental function and place them at increased risk of mental illness. Young [...]

Teen Sleep Deprivation And The Effect Of Blue Light

A 2014 combined project by Oxford, Cambridge, Harvard, Manchester and Surrey Universities declared, ‘Society has become supremely arrogant in ignoring the importance of sleep’. The researchers cite living in a 24hour society coupled with technology overuse as part of the issue. The National Sleep Foundation in the US found that more than half of the parents [...]

Teens Watching P0rn – Two Reasons That’s a Problem

The prevalence of teens perusing porn sites should raise concerns for two reasons: recent research regarding p0rn and the brain, and a growing number of sexual-health experts and young men claiming that Internet p0rn is causing sexual dysfunctions. - Gabe Deem via Porn: Many Teens Watch It, and Two Reasons That's a Problem | Gabe Deem.

The Psychology of iSheep

The reputation of Apple’s fans is as well known as Apple’s products. These are the people who have already started lining up outside Apple stores, just to be first to own the latest iPhone. When they are not in line, they scour the Internet for articles that affirm their belief in Apple’s products, reacting swiftly [...]

Teens having S3x Earlier: Study

Researchers said exposure to sexual content could be part of the reason for a historical decrease in the age young people were first having sex. "Sexualised content such as pornography has become normalised in today's society and provides a private and easily accessible way for young people to learn about sex and sexual norms," they [...]

7 Strategies To Optimise Optimism In Teens – And Why It Matters

"If you can get through year 8 and year 9, you can get through anything." That's a saying I share with students, teachers, and parents alike. These are tough years for many students, and if school is not a positive experience for them, they can feel hopeless. Hopelessness - believing things are bad and are [...]

Hands Up If You’re Not A Maths Person!

How old were you when you decided that you weren’t any good at sport? Or that you couldn’t sing? When did you decide that you weren’t a maths person or that you couldn’t draw to save your life? Was it last week? In your late 30s? Early 20s? Late teens? Early teens? In primary school [...]

Judgement Call: Maturity, Emotions, And The Teenage Brain

Generation after generation, one thing parents can count on is being baffled or confused by their children’s behavior. While new generations of teenagers have access to things their parents did not--Google Glass and Apple’s newly announced iWatch could be the smartphones of tomorrow--this does not explain why teenagers, regardless of generation, continue to behave in [...]

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