
Supporting Friends With Depression: Tips To Help Your Kids Help Their Friends

When you know someone going through depression, it can be a difficult time of uncertainty and worry. Young people will often speak with their peers before they consult an adult or professional, so it’s important to arm them with skills to support their friends. While everyone goes through a different experience, it can be difficult [...]

The 10 stuff-ups We All Make When Interpreting Research

What do we actually mean by research and how does it help inform our understanding of things? Understanding what’s being said in any new research can be challenging and there are some common mistakes that people make. Have you ever tried to interpret some new research to work out what the study means in the [...]

5 Ways To Address Rising Depression In Young People

Depression and anxiety are affecting more young people than ever before. According to a study published today by the Office for National Statistics, one in five 16- to 24-year-olds are suffering psychological problems, which is almost the rate at which these are seen in early middle age, the life-stage usually most associated with mental health issues. [...]

Tiny Moments Of Connection With Kids Matter

Most parents would never question that they love their children wholeheartedly — even when their little darling has done a lipstick drawing on the wall, won’t eat their vegies or sleep in their own bed, or thumps their brother. Even though we might get annoyed, we still love them absolutely. However, children don’t always feel [...]

Stinking Thinking- Why Girls Stress More

It is generally well accepted that females experience greater levels of depression and anxiety than males. This is true, not only during adulthood, but also during adolescence. While there is a range of suggestions as to why – including the idea that ‘men are tough and don’t talk to doctors or psychologists’, recent research offers an important [...]

10 Do’s and Don’ts on Parenting

Some people live their lives looking at the rear-view mirror, regretting the past rather than enjoying the present or anticipating the future. Here are the most frequently mentioned regrets I've heard from parents in my office. 1. Spent too little time with the kids. Overwhelmed with meeting the expectations of so many people, some parents never [...]

3 Steps To Prevent Suicide

Following the tragic death of Robin Williams, Lifeline Australia saw a 25% increase in calls. When faced with someone in crisis, many people don’t know what to do, or how to help. Some are concerned about making things worse. This means many people don’t approach the person at all. The person in crisis may feel [...]

10 Bullying Survival Tips

Around this time each summer, many parents and children begin to get worried about returning to school and the potential for getting bullied again like last year. The summer offers a respite from school bullies, but does this break from bullying have to end because the summer ends? Schools today offer massive anti-bullying campaigns that [...]

Seven Things All Mentally Tough People Avoid

Studies have shown that there is a correlation between mental toughness and self-control. To achieve those long-term goals there are things mentally tough people avoid. In all of these different contexts, one characteristic emerged as a predictor for success. It wasn't social intelligence, good looks, IQ, or physical health. It was "grit," which the dictionary [...]

10 Ways To Support Someone With Mental Health Challenges

Millions of people with mental health issues lead happy, productive, and extremely normal lives. Many people with mental health conditions never tell their loved ones, and their behavior may be no different from people without mental health conditions. Indeed, more than 25% of Americans receive a mental health diagnosis at least once. But this doesn’t [...]

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