
Porn: what are teenagers learning about sex and love?

420 million Internet porn pages 4.2 million Porn websites 68 million daily porn search engine requests Playboy used to be synonymous with all that was porn. Scantily clad women with “come hither” looks. Even Cosmopolitan was considered “risqué” with its sealed sections. According to Gail Dines, the porn around today has very little to do with [...]

The legend of Jessi Slaughter and the trollers

We read the story – about an 11 year old girl in the US, Jessi Slaughter, who received a tirade of threats after posting a video of herself on YouTube. We saw the pictures - the freeze frame of what looked like a traumatised child in her bedroom in floods of tears.   On the [...]

Energy drinks and alcohol make a lethal cocktail

There are growing concerns within the medical profession that young people are mixing high caffeine ‘energy’ drinks with alcohol. The affects are disastrous and has led Steve Hambleton, vice president of the Australian Medical Association (AMA), to speak out. He has called for an open debate involving health experts and spear headed by government to [...]

School bullies graduate to anti-social behaviour in later years

25% of students are bullied at school 95% of students are bulled more than once A new study just released by the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare has found that there is compelling evidence that young people who indulge in bullying at school go on to participate in further anti-social behaviour as they get [...]

Children abused as safety net of family life crumbles

A recent article in the Sydney Morning Herald by columnist Miranda Devine was a hard read; the very subject matter curdled the stomach and made the insides squirm in an effort to escape it. The subject matter was paedophiles and how easily they gain both the trust of parents and access to the innocent children [...]

New laws to counter Cyber Bullying

Victorian Government to introduce new anti-bullying laws 600 intervention court orders this year against children New laws to focus on mediation 10% of Australian teenagers are victims of cyber-bullying The changes come at a time when more children are taking out intervention orders against other children in an attempt to deal with the growing number [...]

Girls are turning to violence

Violence between girls up by 70% 154 cases of girls violence in schools last year School yard fights have always frequented the playground; however the increase in girl fights and the degree of violence between girls is now concerning many experts. The recent incident at Wadalba Community College on the Central Coast, NSW of a [...]

Is “female genital cutting” child abuse?

140 million women and children worldwide have suffered female genital cutting* By 1997 the whole of Australia had outlawed female circumcision making it illegal to perform "any medical or surgical procedure or mutilation of the vagina or clitoris of any person" for reasons of "culture, religion, custom or practice". However with the growing number of [...]

Recent Findings: An Early Developmental Marker of Future Criminality?

Published in Journal Watch Psychiatry. Lack of fear conditioning at age 3 years may signal future criminality. According to a neuro-developmental hypothesis, dysfunction in multiple brain regions may be involved in subsequent criminal offenses. This study investigated the hypothesis that children who poses poor fear conditionings at a young age may be at risk of [...]

Video Hits and Youth Week – the wrong mix?

At first glance it would seem that choosing Video Hits as a Media Partner for the recently held Australian National Youth Week made perfect sense, all teenagers are into music of some sort. Music crosses the great divide and is accessible to everyone; it can communicate on a level without barriers. But when we see [...]

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