
Men’s Attitude To Fatherhood Influences Child Behaviour

Pixabay Images Children of confident fathers who embrace parenthood are less likely to show behavioural problems before their teenage years, researchers have found. A new study suggests that a man’s attitudes towards fatherhood soon after his child’s birth, as well as his feelings of security as a father and partner, are more important [...]

How To Teach Happiness At School

Pixabay Images Research demonstrates that happy people are successful across multiple life domains, including marriage, relationships, health, longevity, income, and academic and work performance. They are better able to multitask and endure boring tasks, and are more creative, trusting, helpful and sociable. So how do we teach the skills of wellbeing to students? [...]

Survey Shows Australians Happy And Optimistic

Flickr Images Mateship is what makes Australians happy, according to a new national survey on the nation's emotional wellbeing. The Australian Psychological Society's (APS) Compass for Life survey has found people who connect with family, socialise with colleagues and are actively involved in their local community are the happiest people in Australia. Those [...]

The Sun Matters More For Mental Health Than We Think

iStock Images More and more, researchers are understanding the affect of the sun on our physical, emotional and mental health. It's the best and most natural form of vitamin D and, if we get too little of it, we are at risk of seasonal affective disorder (SAD). But, a new study reveals that [...]

7 Ways People With A Purpose Live Differently

Flickr Images While the little things in life can certainly make your day, a growing body of research says keeping your eye on the long game can make a major difference in how much you enjoy your life. One recent study found that living your life with a sense of purpose could make you less [...]

Why Building Young Boys’ Mental Resilience Is So Important As A Parent (And How To Do It)

Getty Images For hundreds of years, young boys have been brought up with the belief that to be a “real” man, you have to be tough. The notion of having physical resilience as a way to get by in life seems to have overshadowed the equally important need for mental resilience. Artist Grayson [...]

Positive Psychology Is Rooted In The Radical Idea That You Are Not A Problem To Fix

Pixabay Images All we can ever hope to do, Sigmund Freud once wrote, is “to change neurotic misery into common unhappiness.” This pessimistic statement from arguably the most influential psychological theorist of modern times captured the mood that prevailed in psychology through most of the 20th century. That is, most psychologists, psychiatrists, and [...]

More Young Girls Asking GPs About Genetic Cosmetic Surgery

Photograph: Alamy Stock Photo A world-first study has found that girls as young as 15 are asking their GPs about genital cosmetic surgery, and are increasingly concerned that their genitals don’t look “normal”. "The really vulnerable here are young women and teens impressed by what they see online and what a lot of [...]

This Doctor Pioneered A Way To Treat Stress In Children, A Startling Source Of Future Disease

Pixabay Images Soon after Nadine Burke Harris opened a pediatrics clinic in a low-income neighborhood in San Francisco, she began grappling with the high rates of asthma and other illnesses that she was diagnosing in her patients. She wanted to understand why so many of the kids she saw were so sick. “They [...]

Why We Need To Talk About Anxiety & ‘High-functioning Depression’

Pixabay Images I remember sitting down with my friend at the beginning of 2016, opening up to her about my depression and anxiety. It scared me because I didn’t know where it came from, why I had it, and when it would go away. But as I sat with my friend, opening up about [...]

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