
A Single Concussion May Have A Lasting Impact

Getty Images A single concussion experienced by a child or teenager may have lasting repercussions on mental health and intellectual and physical functioning throughout adulthood, and multiple head injuries increase the risks of later problems, according to one of the largest, most elaborate studies to date of the impacts of head trauma on [...]

5 Proven Truths About Finding Happiness

Pixabay Images Happiness is a state we all want to achieve, but it often seems elusive. Have you ever felt happy one moment and then thought that it won’t last, which makes you feel less happy in the next moment? How frustrating is that? What is happiness? Is it a state of mind, a mood, or a way [...]

This Is The Time Of Day When Psychotherapy Is Most Effective

Flickr Images One thing to keep in mind when you’re scheduling a doctor’s appointment: All signs point to morning as the best time to be a patient. It has less to do with the doctors and everything to do with the patients’ hormone levels. Past research has shown that levels of the stress [...]

10 Hacks To Help You Sleep Better

Pixabay Images The demands of modern life and our penchant for resisting the universal, biological need for shut-eye mean we're squeezing more into our waking lives — but at what cost to our nightly slumber? Of the 20,000 people we surveyed for our recent sleep snapshot, just 12 per cent said they wake [...]

It’s Never Been Easy Being A Teenager. But Is This Now A Generation In Crisis?

Image: Mark Mawson/Getty Mollycoddled and cosseted or stressed and over-pressured. Energised and engaged or bored and turned off. Young people have so many labels and stereotypes slapped on them it’s a wonder these are not visible on their endless selfies. What is undeniably true is that the evidence suggests that rates of depression, [...]

Personality Influences Lifespan As Much As Socio-economic Status

Giuseppe Lami/EPA On this day in 1930, the Mother Superior of the School Sisters of Notre Dame in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, sent a letter asking every member of the sisterhood to write an autobiography. She offered few further instructions, and so left it up to each member of the order to decide how to [...]

How Being Alone May Be The Key To Rest

Pixabay Images How much rest do we think we need, who is getting the most, and what are the most restful activities? The results of the world's largest survey on rest indicate that to feel truly rested, a lot of us want to be alone. Last November an online survey called The Rest [...]

82% Of Australians Say Loneliness Is Increasing

Milos Kreckovic/Getty Images Are you lonely? Chances are, according to a Lifeline survey, the answer is yes – but you’re unwilling to talk about it. The national survey, released on Tuesday, found about 60% of the 3,100 respondents said they “often felt lonely” and 82.5% said they felt loneliness was increasing in society, [...]

Does Quitting Social Media Make You Happier? Yes, Say Young People Doing It

JGI/Tom Grill/Getty Images/Blend Images Our love of social media seems to have grown and grown in the past decade, but recent studies show the tide may be turning for some platforms, with young people in particular ditching Facebook. One study claims that more than 11 million teenagers left Facebook between 2011 and 2014. [...]

Could Bad Buildings Damage Your Mental Health?

Pixabay Images Research has shown city dwellers are more likely to suffer from anxiety and depression – but could individual buildings have a negative impact on wellbeing? Screaming sirens, overcrowding, traffic; life in the city isn’t always relaxing. These stressors aren’t simply inconvenient or irritating, though; research has suggested that urban living has [...]

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