
What Is Behaviour Activation For Depression?

Flikr Images A recent study from the United Kingdom found a simple form of therapy called behavioural activation (BA) is as effective in treating depression as more complex psychological treatments and even medication. So, how does BA work and what is the relationship between behaviour and emotions? What we do affects how we [...]

The Global Community Is Failing To Address Mental Health

Pixabay Images When it comes to mental health, the global health community has failed. Mental, neurological, and substance-use disorders are among the leading causes of the global burden of disease. By 2020, depression will be the second leading cause of disability. Suicide is a leading cause of death among adolescents. People with severe [...]

Should Happiness Be Part Of The School Curriculum?

Pixabay Images Meditation is just one strand of new “positive education” methods starting to build momentum and gravitas in schools. The key idea is to teach good practices such as mindfulness and gratitude that will promote resilience and, it is thought, help children lead healthier psychological lives. Until recently, these might have been [...]

New Study Of High-risk Teens Reveals A Biological Pathway For Depression

Pixabay Images A long line of research links poverty and depression. Now, a study by Duke University scientists shows how biology might underlie the depression experienced by high-risk adolescents whose families are socio-economically disadvantaged. The study, published May 24, 2016 in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, combined genetics, brain imaging and behavioral data gathered [...]

Battling The Physical Symptoms Of Stress

Flikr Images Steve should have been celebrating. A 30-something entrepreneur in the Bay area, he had just closed a multi-million dollar round of Series A financing for his startup. Instead, he found himself in his doctor’s office—25 pounds overweight, physically exhausted, sleep-deprived and with a diagnosis of Type 2 diabetes. This news only [...]

What Role Does SEL Play In Whole Child Teaching?

Flikr Images The success of a school, district or educational program is often measured by how well students score on academic tests or whether they graduate on time. But as a school counselor, my experience says that these big-picture measures of success don’t tell the whole story. Every day there are countless non-academic [...]

Developing Holistic And Individual Wellbeing

Google Images Schools have great intentions with regard to wellbeing, but how often do they measure their own effectiveness at developing it? How well do schools consistently teach and develop targeted areas of wellbeing with the goal that when a student leaves their care, he or she is more skilled in specific life [...]

Our Sinister, Soul-sapping Happiness Industry

Pixabay Images On a recent sodden weekend walk, I tried to cheer myself up by thinking: it’s not so bad. Not the slugs or the sky or the rain making its way down a gap between neck and waterproof. But I couldn’t do it. Losing heart, I turned back. Glump, glump, glump through the [...]

10 Tips For Preventing Burnout

Flickr Images Burnout occurs when a person has experienced prolonged and excessive stress. It builds up over time, and the individual may find themselves: Feeling overwhelmed Physically and emotionally exhausted Isolating self from others Forgetting why you do your job, de-motivated Questioning themselves Experiencing an increase in illness/aches and pains Having an increasingly [...]

Sleep And Technology: 10 Golden Rules

Pixabay As many young adults now own a smartphone or tablet, there is a wealth of information at their fingertips and a limitless supply of social media messages, games, music and TV intruding into the sleep cycle. Evidence suggests that social media and smartphones can have a negative impact on our health with [...]

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