
Men Tend to Be More Narcissistic Than Women

With three decades of data from more than 475,000 participants, a new study on narcissism from the University at Buffalo School of Management reveals that men, on average, are more narcissistic than women. Forthcoming in the journal Psychological Bulletin, the study compiled 31 years of narcissism research and found that men consistently scored higher in narcissism across multiple [...]

Samantha Armytage Becomes a Swimsuit Cover Model

In her own words Sunrise co-host Samantha Armytage reveals a healthy self-confidence as she prepares for her first magazine swimsuit shoot as the "fat police" scrutinise her weight. "I'm not some type of scrubber," she declares as the crew from Australian Women's Weekly (AWW) fuss about her. On Thursday, Armytage will appear on the magazine's cover in a [...]

Men and Women Process Emotions Differently

Red and yellow indicates the more active areas of the brain when images are rated as highly stimulating. Green indicates the areas that specifically become more active in women. Credit: MCN, University of Basel Women rate emotional images as more emotionally stimulating than men do and are more likely to remember them. However, [...]

New Research says 10 Million UK Women ‘Depressed’ Over Body Image

Almost 10 million women in the UK have reported that they 'feel depressed’ because of the way they look, according to new research. The study, which coincides with the launch of Body Confidence Week, finds that one in four women feel their body image has held them back from having a fulfilling relationship. Another quarter [...]

A Depression-Fighting Strategy That Could Go Viral

When Ebola ends, the people who have suffered, who have lost loved ones, will need many things. They will need ways to rebuild their livelihoods. They will need a functioning health system, which can ensure that future outbreaks do not become catastrophes. And they will need mental health care. Depression is the most important thief of productive [...]

A New Study Shows how Eating Trans Fat Affects your Memory

Now, a new study presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2014 has found a link between trans fat and memory impairment. Researchers looked at the eating habits of 1000 healthy men above the age of 20, and postmenopausal women to determine the effect trans fat has on memory. Participants completed a dietary questionnaire [...]

The Cup – that’ll do me

Cup Day is a uniquely Australian celebration that seems increasingly about getting slaughtered on the drink. Lord knows I've got no qualms about boozing, yet its appeal is always diminished when the amateurs are out in force peeing and vomiting in the street - that's the women - while the blokes stalk around with a [...]

Tracey Spicer on Giving Up Extreme Grooming

Exactly one year ago, I began deconstructing the beauty myth. It was prompted by a question from my seven-year-old daughter, as she watched my elaborate ritual. "Mum, why do women put on make-up and men don't?" she asked. "Darling, society has unrealistic expectations about the way women look," I replied. "It's not fair. But I'm [...]

Australian Women feel more Stressed than Men

Most Australians say stress is affecting their mental health and there is a widening wellbeing gap between the sexes, a new mental health report says. The Australian Psychological Society’s (APS) survey of stress and wellbeing also found 2014 was a tough year for women, with many reporting significantly higher levels of stress in their day-to-day [...]

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