
Does alcohol cause cancer?

The link between alcohol and cancer itself is not news. Way back in 1988, the WHO’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) concluded that alcohol consumption was a group one carcinogen – a direct cause of cancer in humans. What has evolved over the past 26 years is evidence showing alcohol caused more cancers [...]

Binge drinkers continue practice in pregnancy, study finds

More than half of women who binge drink continue to do so during pregnancy, an Australian study has found, with fewer than one in five following guidelines to abstain from alcohol. A study of 1577 women who drank alcohol before becoming pregnant found many did not alter their consumption after conception. Researchers from the University [...]

Miley Cyrus and the Pornification of American Culture

The fact that Cyrus’ behavior receives so much attention for being over the line yet continues to grant her practically unlimited success speaks to a serious issue surrounding the objectification of women in America. It is not just that Miley Cyrus is using her body in a way that contributes to the pornification of American [...]

By |2014-01-13T21:02:48+11:00December 27th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

When de-racialisation surgery goes wrong

The genie is well and truly out of the bottle. De-racialisation – like all forms of plastic surgery – is only going to get more lucrative. My own experience has given me ample opportunity to reflect on the unfairness of a society that routinely imposes insecurity on women, driving them to mutilate themselves in the [...]

How to Treat Depression When Psychiatrists Are Scarce

In a rigorous study in Goa, India, Patel found that young women could learn basic psychotherapy skills and go on to help people with depression at least as well as local clinics would have. Now he’s advising the Indian government on incorpor­ating these lay counselors into the national health system. We talked to Patel about [...]

Study reveals striking differences in brain connectivity between men and women

A new brain connectivity study from Penn Medicine published today in the Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences found striking differences in the neural wiring of men and women that's lending credence to some commonly-held beliefs about their behavior. In one of the largest studies looking at the "connectomes" of the sexes, Ragini Verma, PhD, [...]

Here’s a map of the best and worst countries to be a mother

A new report by Save the Children, a London-based NGO, gauges and ranks the conditions for mothers in almost every country in the world.  The Mother's Index, measures conditions for mothers using five different metrics: risk of maternal death, infant mortality rate, the number of years an average child will spend in school, gross national income [...]

Mental illness and substance abuse top global causes of disability

Mental health problems and substance abuse cause the most disability and poor health across the world, according to a report published in The Lancet. A team of researchers looked at the premature mortality and the years lived with a disability for more than 200 diseases in 187 countries. Professor Harvey Whiteford, from the University of [...]

Depression in pregnancy may affect children’s mental health

The children of women who are depressed during their pregnancy may be more likely to succumb to depression themselves by the age of 18, according to new research. A large study from Bristol University, published in a leading medical journal, suggests that levels of the stress hormone cortisol, which are raised in depression, may affect [...]

Miley Cyrus: does the music business exploit women?

The pornification of everything is a huge problem across our culture, and one that has only grown muckier and more entrenched with the spread of the internet on teenagers' mobile phones. It's a problem not confined to pop music – hello, fashion photography – but pop is where the tectonic plates of sex and commerce [...]

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