
Girl Mag Watch Dolly 2013

Stamping out bullies, stress and child labour: Dolly May issue gets a tick (mostly) ‘Operation 1 less Bully’ is a four-page case against bullying, featuring personal stories of celebrities who have joined the movement to stop it. Some were bullied, others stood up to bullies, and one recognised she was a bully in the past [...]

Miss Representation

After an extremely successful season at Adelaide Fringe in March this year, Louiza Hebhardt (Director EQUILIBRIUM Counselling, Training, and Consulting) will be bringing the documentary 'Miss Representation' to Sydney for a one off exclusive screening on Thursday 16 May. "Miss Representation" first screened at Sundance Film Festival in 2011 and has aired on Oprah Winfrey [...]

Girl Mag Review

Girlfriend trifecta – three positive reviews and big ticks for global perspective in May issue My last two reviews (‘Excellent advice on helping a friend with an eating disorder and dealing with stalking’, ‘Pressures to sext and give oral sex’) have been almost entirely positive. That’s pretty unusual. The May issue makes this a trifecta. Whenever [...]

Botox bad for babies, with blank looks all round

It is that intimate, magical chemistry that allows a mother to show even the youngest of babies how she is feeling. A grimace, a frown or a smile are all useful tools for helping a little one to learn what is approved of, and what isn't. But one of the country's leading child psychologists believes [...]

What does it mean to botox your face?

There is nothing natural or inevitable about women wanting to cut up their faces or inject them with silicon. Until around the 1920s, the feminine ideal was decidedly matronly. Victorian models of femininity were based on moral virtue or character, which meant that there was nothing wrong with ageing. In fact, beauty was equated with [...]

Girls Mag Watch Dolly March 2013

Drop the Model Search and this could be a good issue If Dolly wasn’t persisting with its Model Search competition, which returned last year having been sensibly done away with by previous editors, I could probably have given this issue the thumbs up. Lydia Turner, Managing Director at BodyMatters Australasia, and I have written before [...]

By |2013-03-18T11:43:40+11:00March 18th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture, Technology|Tags: , , , , , , |0 Comments

Stress and Pregnancy

The placenta of a pregnant woman absorbs more than just nutrition and oxygen, a new study has found. Researchers, from the University of Pennsylvania, found that stress is transmitted to the placenta, altering the levels of a protein that affects brain development in the foetus. The authors of the paper, published online yesterday in the [...]

Sexualisation Of Young People – Steve Biddulph

I believe sexualisation is a deeper and more lifelong issue, perhaps even endemic - and harmful - to gender relations throughout history. Objectification of women was at the core of the feminist struggle. But today, from a completely different quarter, the nature of sexuality for all of us is being modified. For example, boys are [...]

Is putting your clothes on coming back into fashion?

The power to shock now comes not in getting your kit off, but keeping it on. Our fashion idols aren't edgy Madonna wannabes in bad need of a tailor, but demurely dressed women like Alexa Chung and the Duchess of Cambridge (whom we don't want to see in a bikini). via Rihanna | Katy Perry [...]

By |2013-02-25T14:27:16+11:00February 19th, 2013|Categories: Society & Culture|Tags: , , , , , |0 Comments
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