
So your kid’s finished their first year of school. Here’s what they should have learnt

It’s the end of the first year of school for many children and proud parents. Some children may be reading quicker than their classmates, others slower; some can add double digits, others only single. What’s normal? Not all babies talk, walk and are toilet-trained by the same age and it’s the same thing as the [...]

By |2019-12-12T16:23:44+11:00December 12th, 2019|Categories: Education|Tags: , , , |0 Comments

What Goes Wrong In The Brain When Someone Can’t Spell

Left: A composite image showing the brain lesions of people with spelling difficulty after strokes. Right: An image of a healthy brain depicting the regions typically active during spelling. Credit: Johns Hopkins University By studying stroke victims who have lost the ability to spell, researchers have pinpointed the parts of the brain that [...]

3 Step Guide Helping Kids to Calm

A Five Minute Writing Exercise to Help Kids Feel Less Worried and More Confident. There are lots of things we can do to help kids calm themselves.  One of the most important - and sometimes forgotten - is to help them come up with some actual words and phrases that they can repeat to themselves in times of [...]

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