young people

“Drunkorexia” Is the New Form of Binge Drinking

Drunkorexia is when young women, and sometimes men, limit their amount of food consumption in order to reserve calories for consuming large amounts of alcohol at a time. According to Daniella Sieukaran, a graduate student at Simon Fraser University, who is currently pursuing a degree in a combined MA/PhD in clinical psychology, found this combination [...]

How alcohol ads target kids

Parents might do their best to shield their kids from advertising related to alcohol, but alcohol marketers are doing their best to reach them anyway. That's the finding of new research that discovered that the content of alcohol ads placed in magazines is more likely to violate industry guidelines if the ad appears in a [...]

By |2012-08-17T17:17:04+10:00August 14th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |2 Comments

Top schools ban homework on weekends and holidays | Perth Now

AT least two of WA's top private schools have banned homework for younger children at weekends and during school holidays "to allow kids to just be kids". The policies are in line with international expert Phil Beadle, author, trainer, speaker and a former UK Teacher of the Year, who says the traditional form of homework [...]

Why so violent?

Is it me, or are our youth getting more violent? I don’t mean all our youth – of course – but it does seem to me that the kind of assaults kids get involved in are more violent now than say ten or twenty years ago.  If you know anything about me, you’ll know I’m [...]

Early junk food habit may impact IQ

Children who eat a healthy diet before the age of 2 years are more likely to have a higher IQ at age 8 years than those who eat a less healthy diet, show results published in the European Journal of Epidemiology. "Diet supplies the nutrients needed for the development of brain tissues in the first [...]

Childhood friendships may be key to adult happiness

Happiness in adulthood may be determined by the quality of relationships in your youth, not brain power or academic prowess, new Australian research suggests. "This shows that there is an enduring, significant relationship between being well-adjusted as a child and being well-adjusted as an adult," said Dr. Victor Fornari, director of child/adolescent psychiatry at North [...]

Police follow the Silk Road to online drug marketplace

POLICE and customs officials are turning their attention to the online marketplace of illegal drugs, Silk Road, which is achieving an estimated $22 million a year in sales. Silk Road - started by ''Dread Pirate Roberts'' in February last year - functions like a black market version of eBay, complete with vendor feedback, dispute resolution [...]

Are students popping pills to boost performance? 

RESEARCH is needed to determine whether significant numbers of Australian students are trying to improve their academic performance by taking diverted prescription stimulants, according to academics from three Australian universities and a Canadian research institute.  Dr Jayne Lucke, principal research fellow at the University of Queensland’s Centre for Clinical Research, said there were anecdotal reports [...]

Music Or Books? Teen’s Choice Linked To Depression

Teenagers who whittle away their time listening to music are far more likely to suffer from depression than those who spend more time consuming other media, including books, say the authors of a new study from the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. The researchers called 106 adolescents - 46 of whom had been diagnosed [...]

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