young people

The price of affluence: New research shows that privileged teens may be more self-centered–and depressed–than ever before

In a series of studies, Luthar found that adolescents reared in suburban homes with an average family income of $120,000 report higher rates of depression, anxiety and substance abuse than any other socioeconomic group of young Americans today. via The price of affluence: New research shows that privileged teens may be more self-centered--and depressed--than ever [...]

The psychology of online rudeness

A perfect storm of factors come together to engender the rudeness and aggression seen in the comments' sections of Web pages. First, commenters are often virtually anonymous, and thus, unaccountable for their rudeness. Second, they are at a distance from the target of their anger — be it the article they're commenting on or another [...]


iDisorder is where technology is literally making us exhibit signs and symptoms of a whole bunch of psychological disorders including narcissistic personality disorder, depression, attention deficit disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder even a little bit of schizoid personality via Narcissists Anonymous or the 'iGeneration'.

Ten tips on how to tame anger in children

Violence on the streets seems to be on the increase. Displays of anger, unprovoked aggression and violence against strangers are reaching epidemic proportions. However, how young people handle their anger is learnt early in childhood. So how can we help children manger their anger? It should be pointed out that anger is a normal and [...]

Getting Kids Active

How much sport should children do? One hour a week? Two? More? What parents believe their child ought to be doing is greatly influenced by their own experiences of sport, and as a PDHPE teacher I’m only too aware that sport isn’t necessarily everyone’s cup of tea. One of the messages we convey in our [...]

Smokers sabotage mates who want to quit

Jealousy, guilt about their own habit and wanting a smoking "buddy" are among the reasons to wreck other people's quitting attempts.Data collated from 6,300 current and former smokers by Pfizer shows 31 per cent of smokers admit being saboteurs.The study also found that 72 per cent of smokers who have tried to quit think someone [...]

By |2012-08-17T17:20:32+10:00July 30th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

‘Time to consider raising the drinking age’ – top health expert

INCREASING the drinking age is just one tough measure that would help curb random violence, according to a top health expert who says the time for "soft actions" is over. Professor Mike Daube says the US, which has a legal drinking age of 21, shows it can be done and it works, but adds that [...]

Good-Natured Jokes Ease Pain

An amiable joke can be much more effective than darker humor at improving mood, according to recent research from Stanford University. In the study, led by psychologist Andrea Samson and James Gross and published in February in Cognition & Emotion, 40 people in Switzerland and 37 people in the U.S. looked at photographs of upsetting [...]

Gory, erotic images ‘blind’ us

Graphic images that depict violence or eroticism blind us for a split second, according to new research on how the brain processes visual information. The finding could explain why people have a hard time concentrating after seeing a particularly sexy photo, or after witnessing a car crash while driving. Such images emotionally jolt us to [...]

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