young people

Anger disorder more common in teens than previously thought

With all those raging hormones, every teenager is bound to “lose it” at one time or another. But a recent study suggests that adolescents’ attacks of anger may indicate something more serious than your standard puberty-related mood swings: nearly two-thirds of youth report having had a bout of uncontrollable anger that involved threatening violence, destroying [...]

Cats and mental illness

Women who are infected with the common cat parasite Toxoplasma gondii may be more vulnerable to suicide, a new study finds, adding to the evidence that T. gondii or Toxo, as the bug is known, may cause subtle changes in the human brain that lead to personality changes and even mental illness. via T. Gondii: [...]

Sexting common behavior among U.S. teens – study

Nearly 30 percent of U.S. teenagers are sexting, sending nude photos via email or text, according to a study that shows the behavior is more common than previously thought. Researchers at the University of Texas Medical Branch also found that more than half of teens have been asked to send a nude photo of themselves [...]

kicking kids out of class

How often would you send students out of your class because of disruptive behaviour? Never? Once a week? Once a day? Once a lesson? I’d imagine your response is largely  determined by the kind of school you are working in and its disciplinary system. There was a very interesting piece in the media this week [...]

Tips on how to tackle anxiety in young people

10% of children have problems coping with anxiety* Some children are very easy going and nothing seems to bother them. However many other children worry about all sorts of things, and when these normal everyday worries turn into anxiety it can be very difficult for a young person to participate in and experience school and [...]

Neurobiology and the Selfless Impulse

Recent studies in the field of Neuroscience have been looking to uncover the anatomical basis for charity and empathy. The scientists in question are well aware that this is a contentious area, representing a convergence between science and religion: “Eventually, you are bound to get into areas that for thousands of years we have preferred [...]

Building healthy minds- special offer for Gen Next readers

On behalf of the conference committee and the University of the Sunshine Coast I would like to alert you to a special discount regarding the 1st Biennial Conference on the Brain and Learning:  Building Healthy Minds that we would like to offer members of the GenerationNext family. We have received a number of delegate registrations [...]

Our culture’s sexual pressures leave girls dangerously exposed

Today, the word ''cheap'' is not just appropriate for how many young women like to dress. It also appears to reflect their sense of self-worth. via Our culture's sexual pressures leave girls dangerously exposed.

Alcohol consumption causes cancer

Drinking alcohol is an important cause of cancer. The main ingredient in alcoholic drinks which causes cancer is ethanol. A summary of the evidence linking alcohol and cancer can be found at the link below. via Alcohol and cancer : Cancer Council Western Australia.

Dry July

Dry July is a non-profit organisation determined to improve the lives of adults living with cancer through an online social community giving up booze for the month of July. Dry July is also a chance to raise awareness of individual drinking habits, the value of a balanced healthy lifestyle, a personal challenge, encourage positive change [...]

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