
Four strategies to foster positive body image in young people

 It seems the days of super skinny models are finally on their way out. This is great news for girls who struggle with their body image simply because they cannot achieve the emaciated looks they see in the media. In Holland the Elite Model Management has been forced to pay $93,500 for terminating a 3 [...]

Seven strategies to properly engage the teenage brain

    The latest imaging studies of the teenage brain show that it undergoes huge changes as young people approach their twenties. During this period, the brain doesn’t grow in size but rather it seems to significantly rewire itself in readiness for the major changes that lie ahead.  During this process the brain is [...]

10 Resources to help kids who are bullied

In Australia one in six children are bullied at school each week. 90% of school children report witnessing others being bullied at school. Teachers rarely see bullying, and are often not told of what has happened. Produced by Wired Safety. Ken Rigby, author, research professor and a leading educational expert based at the University of [...]

Antidepressants May Not Raise Suicide Risk in Youth: Study

Antidepressant drugs such as Prozac do not raise suicide risk in young people, a new study says. In 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration ordered a “black box warning” for Prozac (generic name fluoxetine) after data from 25 clinical trials suggested the medications increased the risk of suicidal thoughts and behaviors in children and [...]

By |2012-08-17T18:43:07+10:00February 9th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol, Science & Research|Tags: , |0 Comments

Shifting Focus of 21st Century Teachers

In 2012, schools have to acknowledge the fact that their teachers have more face-to-face access to teenagers than their parents. This means that schools have a responsibility for so much more than just the academic performance of the students in their charge. Research by Professor Ian Schochet suggests that school attachment is vitally important, and could bear a [...]

6 Common Signs of Internet Addiction – Expert Advice

In recent months, there has been much interest in Australia about problematic internet use (PIU), or internet addiction as it is more commonly termed. 6 common signs to look out for: Spending more and more time online Losing track of the time spent online Constantly thinking about getting online when away from the computer Edgy [...]

Careless Teenagers

Brad and Fiona were just your typical 17 year olds. Brad worked at the local service station and Fiona didn’t work at school. Brad was out to prove his manhood and Fiona was out to prove to her friends that she wasn’t frigid and she could bed a man as well as the best of [...]

Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety – Report

The Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety tabled its report on the Inquiry into Cyber-Safety entitled High-Wire Act: Cyber-Safety and the Young via Joint Select Committee on Cyber-Safety - Report.

Sexting in the USA- New Survey Results

 The Crimes Against Children Research Center conducted two national surveys to develop a better understanding of sexting. The Third Youth Internet Safety Survey was a telephone survey done in 2010 with national sample of 1560 youth Internet users aged  10–17 years and their parents.  Almost 10% of youth (mostly girls aged 16–17 years) said they had "appeared [...]

Early signs of psychosis in young people

A person with psychosis 'loses touch with reality': they may have disorganised thoughts, hallucinations or delusions and find it difficult to interact with others. In young people a psychotic illness many occur as a result of depression or experimenting with drugs and alcohol. Here are some early warning signs to watch out for. Behavioural Odd/agitated [...]

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