
The Link Between Education and Wellbeing Begins in Early Childhood

research has established links between a lack of development of skills such as motivation and self-confidence in childhood and levels of criminal activity, teenage pregnancy and underachievement in education and employment later in life via When the best start in life turns out to be an early start.

A parent’s dilemma: All they want for Christmas is an iPad

20% of parents use a mobile devise to keep their child entertained* This year parents are under increasing pressure to buy their child an electronic device for Christmas. Even pre-schoolers are asking for the latest interactive media. Yet at $600 a pop, iPhones, iPads and iPods are not toys. So what dilemmas might [...]

Tips on how to help kids care

Recent research has show that we are naturally born with very strong altruistic tendencies. These feelings can be nurtured in young children to help them develop their sense of empathy towards others and the world around them. Felix Warneken, a doctoral student in the department of developmental and comparative psychology at the Max [...]

Parents tell teenagers: have sex, just not at home

80% of parents accept their child will have sex before marriage 25% of parents won't let their child’s partner share a bed 20% of parents think 16 is ok to have sex* SBS TV programming is renowned for pushing the boundaries in our society by asking the difficult questions. Recently they conducted an [...]

Register now for Safer Internet Day: 7 February 2012

2 free online and interactive programs for your students to participate in. Put this in your school diary now ready for 2012: Safer Internet Day 2012 Tuesday 7 February 2012 Safer Internet day (SID) is an annual international event organised by Insafe. The success of the 2011 event included the participation of 73 countries with [...]

Science discovers the naughty gene

For many children, naming an emotion or behaviour helps them to process that feeling or experience. However, naming a gene that might explain the hostile and destructive behaviour displayed by some pre-teenagers might be of little consolation to many parents. It might give them a better understanding or a peg on which to hang the [...]

Self harm part of life for many teenagers

10% of girls self harm* Image Source: Youthbeyondblue A recent study published in The Lancet, The natural history of self-harm from adolescence to young adulthood: a population-based cohort study, took a group of 1,943 young people from 44 schools in Victoria and documented their lives from the age of 14 to 29 years old. During [...]

Winslet shakes her booty for a good cause

The infamous phrase “does my bum look big in this?”  will never be heard in the Winslet household. Why? Because actor Kate Winslet is determined to be a positive role model for her daughter Mia and every other girl out there who is approaching her teenage years. Image Source: Getty In 2003 Britain’s GQ magazine [...]

Tips on how to get young people to sleep

Teenagers need 9-10 hours sleep every night. Most get only 7-8 hours.* No night time stories here; just great tips on how to make sure kids get the sleep they need. Children and young people who do not get enough sleep may suffer from chronic sleep deprivation. This can affect their lives in many ways both [...]

How to recognise kindness at 20 paces

In America the University of California, Berkeley has carried out a study (Thin-slicing study of the oxytocin receptor (OXTR) gene and the evaluation and expression of the prosocial disposition) on the body's receptor gene oxytocin; a gene commonly associated with bonding, empathy expressions of love. They found that we are hardwired to recognise empathetic strangers [...]

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