
Study: Youths who self-harm will seek help online

Only 10% of young people who self-harm will present for hospital treatment*. Psychmined is a UK website set up for people who work in psychology, psychiatry and mental health. It recently conducted a study of Sharp Talk, which is an online discussion group that has been set up in the UK to support young people [...]

2012 Seminars: Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars

Generation Next is hosting a series of Mental Health & Wellbeing Seminars around Australia during 2012. Generation Next brings together Australia’s Leading Experts on Children & Teenagers in one Event to give education and health professionals a seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. The [...]

Lack of sleep is harming kids development

Children's bed time is getting later and later. The old rule of no TV during the week and early nights because of school the next morning no longer seem to apply. With the distractions of TV, computer games, internet, texting friends and Facebook, many children are staying up way past their bedtime. When children sleep [...]

Youth Film Competition: Get Ya Head Right 2012

“Get Ya Head Right 2012”  The Young People's Film Competition About Mental Health and Wellbeing. We invite you to participate in this new and unique event aimed at harnessing the natural talent of Australia’s young people to assist in maintaining the mental health and wellbeing of their peers. This is a great opportunity for young [...]

Digitise or not to digitise: that seems to be the dilemma

Essential Kids recently picked up on a website in America. Photoretouchinglab seems to have taken the art of airbrushing to an all new level. They are digitally enhancing family photos to the point where little of the original photo is left. All toddlers are gorgeous, it is their natural beauty, and the way they do [...]

Porn: naughty or nice?

It‘s a hot debate. There are those like Fiona Pattern, the convener of the Australian Sex Party, who says “like sex, porn is a fact of life we should get used to” and then there are the anti porn campaigners like Dr Abigail Bray* who says “Porn is not a right, it is destructive to [...]

Children with ADHD could benefit from Omega 3

Encouraging results have been found in a study of omega-3s for ADHD symptoms. The results showed “significant, but slight, improvement for one omega-3 fatty acid”. According to the study the reason for investigating the possibility that omega-3 could help children with ADHD is “Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and can alter central nervous system [...]

Too much too soon is destroying the childhood of many

A stand has been taken in the UK by leading academics, teachers, authors and charity leaders who have come together to urge the Government against what they say is an attack on children’s wellbeing and mental health due to the pressures of modern life. They have written to British newspaper The Telegraph asking the Government [...]

Book launch: Big Porn Inc

This important book launch firmly puts porn in its place and through a series of essays, documents the proliferation and normalization of pornography, the way it has become a global industry and its violence towards and degradation of women. Big Porn Inc is an exposé of the hidden realities of the global industry that promotes [...]

Teens bow to peer pressure and sext to be accepted

New government funded research has found that the peer pressure on teenagers to send and receive sexually explicit images of each other as a way of fitting in and being accepted is huge. According to Melbourne University researcher Shelley Walker, this pressure in turn is coming from the media who are increasingly sexualising and normalising [...]

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