
Consumer pressure forces Topman to pull T-shirts endorsing domestic violence

  Picture: Topman Source:   British clothing line Topman Design has taken two T-shirts out of production following a public outcry that claims they endorse and promote domestic abuse and sexism. Consumers condemned one of the T-shirts for showing a list of excuses that could be used as justification for hitting women. Buyers said [...]

Top tips on how to get the best out of TV and your child

Alarming facts: In the US children watch an average of 3 hours (and up to 8 hours) of TV per day Many school children spend as much time in front of the TV as they do in class. Children under 3 spend up to 30% of their waking hours watching TV and videos, even though [...]

Seminar: The neurobiology of love and attachment

The Australian Childhood Foundation is presenting a series of seminars on Polyvagal theory, oxytocin and the neurobiology of love and attachment: Using the body’s social engagement system to promote recovery from experiences of threat, stress and trauma. WHEN AND WHERE SYDNEY: Sydney Convention Centre, Darling Harbour. 18 & 19 October 2011 BRISBANE: Mercure Hotel Brisbane. [...]

Free Seminar: Generation Next – Public Parenting Seminar

This is a free seminar that is open to the public, especially parents and care givers. Seats are limited. You must register and have a ticket to gain entry. Where: St Mary’s College, Mary Street, Woodend, Ipswich QLD When: Sunday 22 May 2011 HOW TO GET A TICKET Phone The Base Youth Agency on 07 3818 [...]

Why teenagers should turn off TV and turn on life

In today's society school age children are at risk from excessive screen time. Here are some interesting but alarming facts gathered by an American organisation; Campaign for a Commercial Free Childhood.  Research shows the negative impact of time spend by young people in front of the "box". Including multitasking, children ages 8 to18 years old spend [...]

6th International Conference on Drugs and Young People: Making the Connections

Presented by Australian Drug Foundation (ADF) with Supporting Partner the Ted Noffs Foundation. When: 2 - 4 May 2011 Where: Melbourne Convention Centre, Melbourne, Victoria. Who should go: Anyone concerned with the health and welfare of young people and the impact of alcohol and drug use on them. The United Nations is adding their support [...]

Know Diss: Protect teenagers from cyber bullying

In the UK a concerned parent, Dr Paddy Clarke, has developed the world’s first cyber bullying alert system for Facebook. The application is called KnowDiss and it monitors children’s Facebook accounts for hostile or telltale keywords and phrases. “If any text is picked up that’s suspicious an email is immediately sent to parents so they [...]

New Study: alcohol and energy drinks make a lethal combination

Mixing alcohol and energy drinks increases erratic behaviour by 50%. A recent study, Effects of Energy Drinks Mixed with Alcohol on Behavioral Control: Risks for College Students Consuming Trendy Cocktails, published online in the Journal Alcoholism: Clinical & Experimental Research, suggests that the habit of drinking alcohol and energy drinks at the same time (a [...]

Net Savvy: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) The Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) Centre is dedicated to eradicating the sexual abuse of children and is part of the UK police force. The CEOP also overseas specialist areas such as their: Behavioural Analysis Unit Victim identification Child Trafficking Unit Most Wanted initiative In fact the [...]

Guest Post: Are teachers allowed to teach anymore?

It would seem that today society is so keen to be seen as ‘politically correct’ that we have backed ourselves into a corner. We no longer have the freedom to play, educate, learn or relax as we would like for fear of ‘upsetting’ or ‘offending’ somebody, anybody. Tom Hodgkinson from The Independent (UK) recently wrote [...]

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