
Landmark Report: exploitation and violence in teenage relationships

In september 2009 Bristol University and the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) in the UK completed a ground breaking report Partner exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. The report explored the issues of exploitation and violence in teenage intimate relationships. It provides a detailed picture of the incidence and [...]

When life doesn’t imitate art: Charlie Sheen

Warner Bros. Television and CBS produce the highest grossing sitcom on TV in America. Two and a Half Men is also a huge hit in the UK and Australia. It has been nominated for 2 Golden Globes and has won a further 20 awards with over 50 nominations. So you would think then, that this [...]

The youth of yesterday enjoy the Ecstasy of today

3 out of 10 people in their 30s and 40s who previously tried ecstasy have used it in the past year. The arrest of Matthew Chesher, husband of Education Minister Verity Firth, has caused uproar in the NSW Labour party.  Mrs Firth said “My husband has admitted to making a very big mistake. I am [...]

New Scheme to protect young Australians against Chlamydia

66% of tubal infertility & 33% of ectopic pregnancies caused by Chlamydia infection. 63,000 new cases of Chlamydia Australia wide in 2009. With STD’s on the rise among sexually active young Australians, few realise the long term risks of exposing themselves to sexually transmitted diseases. Conditions like Chlamydia often go unnoticed because it does not [...]

25 ways to protect young people from online bullying

Susan McLean, Cyber Safety Expert and  Generation Next speaker gives the following advice on how to help protect young people from being bullied online. Do not reply to rude or nasty comments. Immediately tell an adult if you feel uncomfortable or worried online. If someone is being mean or nasty on MSN – block them. [...]

Facebook: the danger of too much information

Experts have been screaming about internet safety and the potential perils of cyber space for some time now. A recent case of a man in America, who took information from Facebook profiles and then hacked into women’s email accounts, highlights the dangers that are out there in virtual world. The most shocking thing about this [...]

Net Savvy: Richard Eckersley – Is Life getting better?

Richard Eckersley This is a great website for resources on young people and the ever changing world we live in. It has some very useful information for both teachers and parents, especially in the area of society and culture. About Richard Eckersley Richard is an independent researcher and writer on progress, sustainability, culture, health and [...]

New reality program creates bride of Frankenstein in the name of perfection

A new reality program Bridalsplasty is set to hit Australian screens this year. The idea behind the series is really quite repulsive.  It sets young brides to be with low self esteem and body images issues against each other in a competition to change the way they look. The winner gets a major plastic surgery [...]

Seminar – Scared, sleepless and hostile: Children, violent/frightening media and public policy

The Australian Council on Children (ACCM) and the Media and the Children and Families Research Centre, Macquarie University are holding a one day seminar on Tuesday 1 March 2011 at: NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre 37 Reservoir Street Surry Hills, NSW 2010   Chaired by Professor Alan Hayes Director of the Australian Institute of Family [...]

Net Savvy: Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP)

Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) The Drug Policy Modelling Program (DPMP) is run out of the Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW in Sydney. The aim of DPMP is to create valuable new drug policy insights, ideas and interventions that will allow Australia to successfully respond to illicit drug use. The unit itself conducts multiple [...]

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