
Celebrities and the media sending wrong message about marriage

UK expert Reg Bailey, chief executive of The Mothers' Union charity, has warned that many young people think that adultery is acceptable and that marriages are not meant to last. Bailey, who is preparing a report for the UK Department of Education, feels that many celebrities and sports personalities are influencing the way adolescents view [...]

Recent report on effects of the media on young girls' body image

An article recently published in the British Psychological Society Am I too fat to be a princess? Examining the effects of popular children's media on young girls' body image looks at the effect exposure to appearance-related media has on young girls and how they see their body image. 121 girls participated between the ages of [...]

Pretty in Pink – the dilemma of gender based play

Girls as young as seven battle anxiety and depression from being inundated with body-focused products Everywhere you look it seems that children’s toys and clothing are branded and gender based. For girls it is Barbie, Disney princesses and pink. Boys are inundated with Bob the Builder, Ben 10 and Thomas. Cordelia Fine, PhD Honorary Research Fellow [...]

Social network sites have negative psychological impact on children

Shorter attention spans The need for Sensationalism Inability to empathise with others Poor sense of identity Young people who spend hours in the world of virtual relationships are at a greater risk of psychological damage according to leading UK neuroscientist, Lady Greenfield, professor of synaptic pharmacology at Lincoln College Oxford. She is urging the UK [...]

Tips to help parents tell if their child has been approached by an online predator

The Queensland Police force has put together some tips on what to look out for if you think your child or a young person you know has been approached by an online predator. You find pornography on your child’s computer. Child sex offenders sometimes use pornography as a way of opening sexual discussion. It may [...]

All work and no play for dad makes poor language skills for children

A study Time or Money: the impact of parental employment on time that four to five-year-olds spend in language-building activities, published in the Australian Journal of Labour Economics looks at how a father’s working hours impacts on family life and how this effects the time spent talking, reading and singing to children. The study noted [...]

QLD Police show you how to protect your kids online

An initiative by the Queensland Police called Who's chatting to your kids? gives parents, teachers and carers practical information on how to protect children online and what to look for if you think a child is being approached by a predator. The internet and advances in technology have been embraced by sex offenders who are [...]

Letter to the Editor: Response by AANA to article on sexualisation and boys

AANA refers to the article “Boys forfeit their right to innocence as sexualisation takes hold”, published on 1st of November, and wishes to clarify the self-regulatory efforts in relation to the sexualisation of children in advertisements. The AANA Code for Advertising and Marketing Communication to Children exists to ensure that advertisers and marketers develop and [...]

Net Savvy: Indigo

Indigo is a positive, body friendly, age appropriate online magazine for girls. It is also available in print form through subscription. Not only is it full of fun stuff, but it actually makes girls feel great about who they are. The emphasis is on creating a positive, independent self-perception for girls in the pre-teen and [...]

youthbeyondblue talks: Tom's story

“My stress levels were blown way out of proportion compared to what was actually happening in my life.” beyondblue youth ambassador Tom Rust, aged 21. Tom Rust’s family knew something was wrong, but they attributed the dramatic change in his behaviour to the pressures of his last year at school. And by his own admission, [...]

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