
Australia leads world on harms of alcohol at UN Conference

The recent 63rd United Nations Department of Public Information NGO Conference held in Melbourne focused on improving women and children’s health. “Advancing global health is essential to the Millennium Development Goals, and you are essential to advancing global health,” said Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. The central concern of Mr. Ban’s opening remarks was the need to [...]

New bullying resources available, thanks to Qld Govt initiative

The QLD Government has just released a toolkit Working Together, A toolkit for parents to address bullying aimed at parents and teachers so they are better equipped to deal with bullying. Education and Training Minister Geoff Wilson said “This toolkit for parents complements the toolkit for schools released earlier this year. Most importantly the toolkit [...]

The growing fashion trend of glamorising death

There is an increasing trend for fashion houses to glamorise death. The obsession with beautiful dead women has seen a number of recent ad campaigns idolise death, murder and suicide in women’s fashion. Young girls are being told that you can even look sexy when you are dead. Taking the theme of ‘dead women are [...]

What works with adolescents?

The Australian Institute of Family Studies has published What works with adolescents? - Family connections and involvement in interventions. It outlines information and key areas of concern for the healthy development of adolescents as they grow into adulthood. During adolescence young people have to handle many things at once, it is an incredible time of [...]

Popular culture, pop songs and pornography

At the centre of popular culture lies popular (pop) music, it has always been the music of the next generation, as young people come into their own they begin to express themselves through their clothes, interests, friends and music. In modern times, the mass media has become a major instrument for the spread and dissemination [...]

Teenage mothers need help to finish school

3.9% of the births in NSW to mothers under 20 years of age 12,326 teenagers gave birth in Australia in 2008 Teenage pregnancies in Australia are on the rise again with an increase of 15% since 2008. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics teenage birth rates in NSW seem to be concentrated around the [...]

Making false idols of celebrities who do drugs

Nearly 4 million people nationwide watched the Ben Cousins documentary Such is Life – The troubled times of Ben Cousins. The program detailed his public life as a footballer while leading the secret life of a drug addict. This duplicitous lifestyle finally came to an end when he was arrested in Perth in 2007. Paul [...]

Latest report on how to counter the sexualisation of girls

The American Psychological Association (APA) recently formed a task force which produced a report on the sexualisation of girls through the media and other cultural messages. The report also included information for parents, carers and teachers on how they can help young women become aware of the sexualised imagery and messages that are presented by [...]

Young people at greatest risk of harm from others misuse of alcohol

70,000 Australians are reported victims of alcohol related assaults every year 24,000 women are victims of alcohol related domestic violence assaults 20,000 children are victims of alcohol-related child abuse The Alcohol Education and Rehabilitation Foundation (AER Foundation) recently commissioned a new report The Range and Magnitude of Alcohol’s Harm to Others, which has just been [...]

Net Savvy: Kids Free 2B Kids – Protecting children from sexualisation

Kids Free 2B Kids   This website was started as part of a grass roots campaign to apply pressure to the mass media, current cultural trends and manufacturers that are exposing children to inappropriate sexualised imagery as they try to sell products and make profit. Kids Free 2B Kids is in alliance with The Australian Council [...]

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