
Young people ignoring safe sex advice

1,000 new HIV cases in Australia every year Chlamydia cases rise to 60,000 between 2004 and 2008 Young people aged between 20 and 29 at highest risk The sharp increase in sexually transmitted diseases signals the potential of a new wave of HIV cases. Many young people today cannot remember the shocking Grim Reaper ads [...]

The power of a mother’s love

It is a well known ‘old wives tale’ that a mother’s love can protect a child from illness. Her love creates a protective bond around a newborn baby that shields them from harm as they grow. Now new research conducted by scientists from the University of British Columbia, Canada shows that indeed children who have [...]

2010 World No Tobacco Day

87% of females prefer to date non smoking partners 80% of smokers don’t believe cigarettes damage the skin* Monday 31st May is ‘world no tobacco day’. This year, the World Health Organisation (WHO) is using World No Tobacco Day to emphasize the negative aspects of smoking; particularly for women. In Melbourne, The Royal Dental Hospital [...]

Is “female genital cutting” child abuse?

140 million women and children worldwide have suffered female genital cutting* By 1997 the whole of Australia had outlawed female circumcision making it illegal to perform "any medical or surgical procedure or mutilation of the vagina or clitoris of any person" for reasons of "culture, religion, custom or practice". However with the growing number of [...]

Let children be children

Experts world wide are condemning the sexualisation of young children and teenagers through the media. All are agreed that it is damaging the youth of today. At this time, it is surprising then, that Monash University’s Dr Blaise is condoning the teaching of sexuality to pre-school and kindergarten children. In fact she is going one [...]

Generation Next: Special Update

Generation Next presents Australia’s leading experts on children and teenagers in one event. Generation Next is an exciting new initiative featuring a national seminar series and supporting resources aimed at protecting and enhancing the wellbeing of our children and teenagers. Generation Next has been developed in close consultation with leading experts in adolescent psychology, drug [...]

The hidden face of cyberspace friendships

For some time now experts have been warning about the dangers of social network sites and how some teenagers are being manipulated into situations they cannot handle by the people they are chatting to. Studies show that teenagers are often happy to provide their personal information to complete strangers. Many adolescents feel in control of [...]

Book Review: What's Happening to Our Boys?

By Maggie Hamilton. AT RISK. How the new techologies, drugs and alcohol, peer pressure and porn affect our boys. Some of the material covered here is shocking, but its important to realise this is the toxic atmosphere many of our children encounter daily… When we understand what they’re up against, we can help bring about [...]

Putting the spotlight on services at the Children’s Hospital, Westmead NSW

The Children’s Hospital at Westmead is the largest and most highly respected paediatric centre in NSW, providing excellent care for children from NSW, Australia and across the Pacific Rim and is world renowned for providing the best care for sick children and their families. This specialist care, combined with community education, advocacy for improved child’s health [...]

Guest Post: Collective Shout for a world free of sexploitation

By Melinda Tankard Reist Collective Shout is a new grassroots movement mobilising and equipping individuals and groups to target corporations, advertisers, marketers and media which objectify women and sexualise girls to sell products and services. Most young women don’t like themselves very much. In fact, self-hatred has been described as a right-of-passage for teenage girls. [...]

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