
Ethical lessons for Years 5 and 6

Year 5 and 6 students will shortly be able to attend classes on ‘ethical discussions’ that are being introduced on a trial basis in ten NSW government schools across Sydney. These schools include Haberfield, Darlinghurst, Crown Street, Leichhardt and Hurstville. In April students at these schools who do not currently attend scripture lessons can participate [...]

New drug "Meow" set to hit the streets

There are growing concerns over a new drug on the streets commonly known as “Meow” that is becoming very popular on the clubbing scene. The fear is that many teenagers new to night clubs and drugs might underestimate the strength and harmful effects this drug can hand out. The greatest danger lies in its addictive nature [...]

Tweens play minx on sordid website

Sleazy lifestyle games website for tweens. A new website was launched in the UK shortly before Christmas aimed at the 'tweens' called My Minx and already it has attracted over 20,000 members, some as young as seven years old. Originally billed as ''Barbie meets Chanel''  the games' creators also made Miss Bimbo, which has over two million members [...]

Recent Findings: the facts about cereal nutrition for children

The Facts about cereal nutrition and food marketing to children. Published in "Journal Watch Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine", November 15 2009 Cereal companies worldwide speak to children early through everything from TV advertising and product placement on their favourite foods and clothing to the DVD's they watch and the games they play. Their campaigns are aggressive, direct and most [...]

National poll on raising the legal drinking age to 21

AUSTRALIA should increase the legal drinking age to 21, according to a national online poll. Kevin Rudd has again sparked outrage on the ABC's Q&A by suggesting that he 'personally' supports an older drinking limit and sees 21 years old as quite reasonable and feasible. Suprisingly this view was also later supported by an online [...]

Guest Post: We all learn with style!

By Angie Wilcock. We all learn (and teach!) in a way that suits us - we might never have thought too much about it, and most of us may never have 'labelled' it! If someone were to ask you about your 'style', you may be aware that you are not a good listener, or that [...]

Parenting found to reduce blood pressure

An American study has found that couples with children have lower blood pressure then childless couples. The counter-intuitive results were explained as resulting from the sense of meaning  parents derived from their children. The study controlled for factors such as health, age and weight. Lead author of the study Dr Julianne Hold-Lunstad explained how the [...]

Television increases risk of cardiovascular disease, cancer

Australian Research has found a link between watching television and ill health, finding that each hour of TV per a day that people watch increases their overall risk of dying form all causes by 11 per cent. The study, published in the journal Circulation, also found that the additional hour increases the risk of dying [...]

Child tooth problems now 'epidemic'

Almost half of under four-year-old Australian children suffer from untreated tooth decay while thousands of dollars are spent to treat the problem, the Australian Dental Association (ADA) has reported. ADA president Dr Neil Hewsen noted that while there was a steady decline in childhood dental problems over the last 20 years, the most recent figures [...]

Providing alcohol to minors

You are sending a very strong message to your child when you agree to provide alcohol to minors. Most importantly, you are telling them to ignore the law - alcohol is an illegal drug for those under the age of eighteen. The laws are different across the country with New South Wales having the strictest [...]

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