
7 ways to dispel racism in schools

Australia is one of the most multicultural counties in the world with 41% of Australians having one parent that was born overseas. Collectively, Australians speak over 200 languages;  the most common being Chinese, Italian, Greek and Arabic, not to mention more than 50 languages spoken by Indigenous Australians*. This melting pot that is Australia continues [...]

The Five Hallmarks of Highly Respected Achievers

What are the characteristics that describe highly driven, achievement-oriented people who are also among the most well-respected in any organization? We all know people who are highly driven but think nothing of running others over along the way. And, we know examples of people who are respected but stagnant. Highly respected achievers manage to balance these [...]

Obsessing over happiness has adverse effects

An obsession with happiness is having an adverse effect for those who seek it, experts say. Over the last 30 years, the pursuit of happiness has come to define the ultimate modern goal. Yet a new study shows levels of expectation about happiness are unreasonable and set young people up for failure. Researchers at Yale [...]

Top model: 10 tips on how to be a teen role model

No matter what young people might say; parents and care givers are still the most influential role models in their lives. Children learn how to behave from the people closest to them. This includes how they deal with their emotions and cope with stress and anger and how they relate to others socially. It also [...]

About The Microaggression Project – power, privilege, and everyday life.

This project is a response to “it’s not a big deal” - “it” is a big deal. ”it” is in the everyday. ”it” is shoved in your face when you are least expecting it. ”it” happens when you expect it the most. ”it” is a reminder of your difference. ”it” enforces difference. ”it” can be [...]

Foods That Improve Your Mood

While Australian doctors, who last year wrote 13 million prescriptions* for antidepressants, appear unconvinced, there's increasing evidence that eating the right food can elevate your mood. Scientific research suggests that some vegetables, fruits and spices can affect the chemistry of the brain and act as mood enhancers, promoting calmness and a sense of well-being, while [...]

Children’s snoring linked to behavioural issues

Children who persistently snore during their early childhood may be more likely to have behavioral problems such as aggression and hyperactivity, according to a new study. Researchers studied 249 mother-child pairs and found the children who snored at both age 2 and age 3 were nearly 3.5 times more likely to have signs of behavioral [...]

Women should eat red meat

Deakin University health researchers have found that eating less than the recommended amount of red meat is related to depression and anxiety in women. Associate Professor Felice Jacka and colleagues from Deakin’s Barwon Psychiatric Research Unit based at Barwon Health investigated the relationship between the consumption of beef and lamb and the presence of depressive [...]

Dear Tobacco Companies…….it’s over!

Dear tobacco companies, You just don't know when to quit, do you? Remember how cool you were in the first half of the 20th century? How just about everyone was into you? Well, that was more than 60 years ago. I'm writing to tell you that it's time to give up. You're not cool, or [...]

By |2012-08-17T17:16:30+10:00August 16th, 2012|Categories: Drugs & Alcohol|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

“Drunkorexia” Is the New Form of Binge Drinking

Drunkorexia is when young women, and sometimes men, limit their amount of food consumption in order to reserve calories for consuming large amounts of alcohol at a time. According to Daniella Sieukaran, a graduate student at Simon Fraser University, who is currently pursuing a degree in a combined MA/PhD in clinical psychology, found this combination [...]

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